Saturday, June 30, 2012

“Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in." Napoleon Bonaparte

The time is NOW to do something in regards to changing the current way guardian ad litems do business in the state of Maine.
We have heard from hundreds of you with issues on how custody and divorce works particularly when dealing with GAL's. Everything that we have covered in our blogs, discussions and articles comes down to this. Our talking from experience on billing that wasn't understood or explained or that nearly bankrupted your family. We have also covered bias, to interviews and reports that didn't happen but were supposed to have happened. You have come to us crying out about custody being granted to an alcoholic or drug addict or felon parent Those stories have haunted us and pushed us onward to this moment.
The deadline for guardian ad litem comments from you is July 1st, 2012. That gives you today and tomorrow to email them in to the judicial branch.
Send along a sentence about your desire for change or email your version of 'War and Peace' but act now. Let's see if the Judicial branch of Maine is really up for the needed change or just paying lip service to appease us.
To make suggestions on ways to improve the system, please submit those by July 1st 2012  to:

We will continue to address your concerns as you send them to us.

Like us on Facebook at Megalalert or Megalhelp or send your questions or tell your story at

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