Friday, April 13, 2012

Upcoming Hearing on Guardian ad Litem reform

Location     Maine Supreme Judicial Court 205 Newbury Street, Portland, ME  (207) 822-4146 ‎ ·

   Date     May 31, 2012
   Time     4:00 PM

The court is scheduling a meeting for Thursday, May 31 at 4 pm in the Cumberland County Courthouse to hear from interested parties and the public. A notice will go up on our web page before the end of April. We hope you will be able to attend and share your views. This is an important meeting regarding guardian ad litem reform and we need your support. More details and directions to follow.


  1. Is this something that everyone can go to?

  2. Yes, this is an opportunity for your voice to be heard.

  3. I am going to try and be there

  4. Get to this meeting no matter what! It may be the only chance to be heard. The Judicial Branch has nit been big on "consumer" participation. Speak at the May 31st hearing, in all likelihood, you won't be invited to the planning sessions. Be prepared. Line up your issues. Have it in writing.

  5. They really ought to get consumers involved in planning. The Judicial Branch and GALs have no idea what it feels like to be a consumer. There is a unique consumer perspective that is missing when you don't have consumer input. Someone who has actually used the system, knows where the roadblocks are, understands the crippling expense of protesting, sees the inconsistencies in current statutes. Has felt the cruelty of a badly built, system with no oversight.

  6. Be prepared. Put your issues in writing. Have multiple copies of your message. Hand out to those conducting the meeting and others who need to know.

  7. Please keep me posted. Having a GAL determine fate of a loved one.

    1. Thank you for your response. You can be heard by writing to the chief justice. The email is as follows:

      You can also see what other people have written at this web address:

      And finally if you have any questions please email us at Thank you
