Thursday, September 21, 2017

Has Your Child Been Brainwashed or Programmed?

If you as a parent feel that your child(ren) is being programed or brainwashed by the other parent you are not alone.

In a study by the American Bar Association (ABA) Family Section some surprising facts came about.
  • Accusations made by the brainwasher/ programmer (Alienator) were never followed up upon by Guardians ad litem (court vendors), lawyers or others who were party to the case. Many Guardians ad litem - for instance - claimed that it was almost impossible to detect.
  • In the majority of cases - there was no history of abuse, drug or alcohol abuse or that the child(ren) lived in an environment that was poor and sickly. Yet when these types of accusations were made against the alienated parent they were rarely if ever followed up upon.
  • If you as the target parent of the alienation had moved on - career, new house or marriage - it was shown that the brainwashing/ programming only intensified against that parent.
 How did the children fare?
  • In interviews with the children - 80% - of them wanted the alienating process discovered.
  • That - 70% - felt some kind of relief when the alienating process was discovered.
  • It was discovered that many of the children would say what the alienator wanted - especially when that person was present. When in the presence of the other parent they would often display love and affection towards that parent.
  • Simple but specialized interviewing techniques would uncover this alienating behavior in the alienating parent.
As a parent it is hard to bear hearing some of the things that our child(ren) may say to us as a result of the brainwashing/ programming they are going through. You have to understand that your child is probably struggling and may feel powerless to do anything for fear of punishment. Talk to your child and ask if there was anything that may have upset or cause concern during your visit with them. Do this before they are brought back. If there is address it with them and if it becomes a problem later on with the other parent you can let them know that you worked it out with your child(ren).

Family Courts have known for years about alienating parents and the brainwashing/ programming that happens. Yet they have either chosen to do nothing or are ill equipped to do anything about it.

MeGAL provides support and education on the issues within the Family Court system. If you have or are experiencing problems please contact us at or find us on Facebook.

1 comment:

  1. Dr. Richard Wexler doesn't call this parent alienation, he calls it Domestic Abuse by Proxy. I had a Maine Judge find my ex a few thousand dollars for Domestic Abuse by Proxy... It only escalated the situation after court. The courts need to take the children away from them. My GAL was Walter Ollen, he was fully aware this was going on and he did nothing. He's protects fathers even convicted domestic abuse fathers who send their child to school with cigarette burns, and drops them off with fractures, and jacks the kids up intentionally on sugar and coffee to sabotage them. Walter Ollen, GAL says that he will not do anything to help unless a child is so severely beaten it causes a hospital admission and then you still have to prove the beaten on the child was intentional. Must record All GAL's, your attorneys too, meetings, phone calls, even sneak a recorder in court if you can. It's legal in Maine and you don't have to tell them you are recording.
