Saturday, December 19, 2015

Speak Out - 2015 Survey on the State of our Family Courts

As a consumer of Judicial Services rarely have you ever been given the opportunity to provide feedback to your Family Court system on how they are doing. There is no exit survey on the experience you just had. As a result our Family Court system has no idea on how well (or badly) it is doing.

Until now.

We want to know what your experience has been as a consumer, lawyer, judge or Guardian ad litem (and other court vendors) within this system. The data collected will be used and provided to our representatives as well as the Judicial Branch and the Department of Justice (DOJ).

The survey on the state of our Family Courts asks 13 questions anonymously and provides you an opportunity to expand on any and all of the topics.

In January 2016 we will be publishing the results of this survey.

2015 State of Family Courts [ LINK ]


  1. Thank you for doing this!

  2. White collar criminals have to set up their retirement somehow, after all how do you think most those attorneys get this adults to place in the assisted living facilitys these attorney, caseworkers or judges and their wives invest in , they are involved with assisting to take these children, they stall on the cases then do a TPR on those cases.Then when the children from foster care become to old for the state to prove a check to the foster parents these adult become declaired incompident get SSI or Social security and the attorneys have them placed in those facilities managed and invested in by the same attornies or government official that were involved with the cases of these same children. Just plain out right Racketeering nothing but common worthless CRIMINALS . Anyone can follow the paper trail of the common white collar trash being attorneys ,judges and CPS workers who steal children for job security and lie to terminate parental rights for kick backs for their friends that are only friends because they are bought by referrals for services or placement of these children for a pay check and retirement potential for future placement of these children from this Criminal system called Children services and Juvenile court, such a shame these officials Disgrace the judicial system over petty greed
