
Calendar of Family Court and Guardian ad litem events:

The following files are housed on Google Drive - to use the data the files may need to be downloaded:

  • 126th Legislature - Complete contact information. File format: pdf   spreadsheet   Please note that these files may need to be downloaded to use.
  • 126th Legislature - Contact information - email address only - file format: text  comma   semi colon These files have blocks of 50 email addresses, space, then the next block. Please note these files may need to be downloaded to use.
  • 126th Judiciary Committee - Contact information - email address only - file format: text  comma  semi colon. Please note these files may need to be downloaded to use.
  • 2012 List of Rostered Guardian ad litem in the state: pdf   spreadsheet
  • Maine Judicial Branch Rules for Guardians ad litem. These are the new rules enacted as of September 1, 2015.
  • The Guardian ad litem Handbook - pdf resource of the rules and standards for GALS. This handbook has the complete Rules and Standards for Guardian ad litem in addition there is a listing of statues relating to Family matters. These rules and standards were in use prior to the rules being updated on September 1, 2015:
There is no data other than in the cardboard boxes that the courts keep to show how consumers feel about the service that Guardians ad litem provide. That is until now. We are providing links to two surveys where you are encouraged to review the cost of the Guardian ad litem service and the actual service that was provided.

Guardian ad litem Cost Survey

Guardian ad litem Performance Survey

If you experience any issues using these files please contact us at thank you.


  1. Is the survey results from an official survey? Where did this information come from?

    1. The survey is one that we have been conducting for the last 1.5 years. The information is comes from those who have experienced the Family Court System in Maine.
